Person Centered Artistic Enquiry (PCAE)

  • What is PCAE?

    Person Centred Artistic Enquiry (PCAE) are private art sessions and tutorials, that sit between creative guidance and thereputic arts, dependant on the needs of the individual.

    Introducing participants to Adumbration Arts method of phenomenological enquiry, set within astablished gestalt and existential philosophies, can help participants to discover creative outlets and self awareness opportunities though a combination of tuition, reflection and counselling. It provides slow, indirect but genuine learning, revealing hidden truths, meaningful artworks, cathartic opportunities and deeper understanding of the work produced.

  • Who is it for?

    PCAE can benefit creatives for CPD who are looking to understand their work or creative processes on a deeper level or to help exit a creative rut. It can also be practiced by anyone, including those with no prior art experience for its theraputic benefits. It is gentle, indirect and can be used your entire life as a method to understand yourself, emotions, attachments and life events in a healthy way. Adumbration Arts have a particular interest in working with those with hording tendencies, difficulty in letting things go or experiencing grief.

  • How long does it take?

    It is dependant on the individual. Two or three sessions can make a difference but others may want or need ongoing weekly on monthly sessions. Many courses or therapies have prescribed destinations, targets and end dates, setting many up to fail and suffer the negative effects that an expectation or pressure to achieve can have. The aim of Adumbration Arts method of self enquiry is to help clients create and to make realisations in their own time.

  • How much does it cost?

    Session rates are £32 -£60 as the duration of the programme and the amount of support required is dependant on participants requirements. We are currently looking for funding to subsidise these rates. Those participating in our Research Study do so for free.

    Please contact us at to find out more